This phrase might be called a "worn-out cliché," but it could just as easily be labeled a "timeless idea." Its likely author is Heraclitus, who might have said it around 2,500 years ago. From the perspective of today’s world—a society changing at a breakneck pace—we find it strikingly relevant.
Change is happening faster and faster. Just like the revolutions mentioned in our previous article. The current flood of information, news, ideas, products, services, people, and organizations demanding our attention can feel exciting to some, but over time, it becomes exhausting for most.
On top of that, this information overload is constantly shifting and evolving. Social moods change, politicians come and go, government policies shift, laws are updated, banking and internet service terms are revised, and energy, product, and service prices fluctuate. Mostly upwards.
It’s no surprise, then, that people are searching for an escape, a refuge, or a lifestyle that helps them navigate these challenges. This is evident in many online communities, discussion groups, and emerging philosophies.
One possible answer? Living in a healthy home, in harmony with nature and its cycles, focusing on fewer things, and prioritizing health through a slower pace of life and fresh, wholesome food. This is the path we at FiiDU want to explore.
Why FiiDU?
Like many organizations, we turned to an acronym for our name: **Free Independent Innovative Dwelling Units**. But it’s more than just a name. FiiDU also echoes the Latin word *Fides* (faith, trust) and the English word *Fidelity* (loyalty, accuracy, honesty). These resonate with us because they reflect our core values.
But how can we achieve a calmer lifestyle in today’s fast-paced and ever changing world?
If we take a moment to reflect on what drives our rush and ask the right questions, the answers will come.
(We have some ideas, but today’s article is short—not a novel. So, we’ll dive deeper into this question in our next post. ;) )